The Current Status of Home Watch Training. Is There a New Training Platform?

Last Updated: January 31, 2023By

If you are looking to start a home watch business or are a seasoned home watch company, you may have researched home watch training. You may have even paid for a class.

Currently, there are two types of home watch training. The Home Watch Academy provides classroom and web-based training. Home Watch Boot Camp is affiliated with the National Home Watch Association and provides onsite training where a student spends up to two days with a home watch company and learns hands-on.

The problem with the current home watch training options

If you elect to sign up for Home Watch Boot Camp, you will learn by spending a few days with a home watch company. They teach you what they know, do’s and don’ts, tricks of the trade, etc. You are learning the business from one person, in their business environment, through their clients’ properties, which may or may not apply to your business model. For example, you could learn from a home watch company that specializes in condos, and based on your business model and location, you won’t be servicing condos. Or Vice Versa.  Also, Home Watch Boot Camp is will cost around $2,500.

If you sign up for the Home Watch Academy, you get the option of classroom or web-based training. This method provides home watch training without ever stepping into a home. It is a cookie-cutter program.  This program will cost you anywhere from $1,500 to $2,000.

Both options provide a solid knowledge of the home watch business. Which one is better can be answered by your style of learning. BootCamp training will be your best bet if you need to be hands-on. The Home Watch Academy is a good option if you like the classroom environment. Additionally, if you want to learn at your own pace, consider the web-based training option also provided by the home watch academy.  

None of the current training options will teach you home watch training tailored to your business, location, and more. For example, home watch is very different, depending on climate, location, types of homes, etc. Also, you need to learn how to grow and market your business in the current digital world we live in today.  

Knowledge is Power

At least it used to be. You probably use to hear that phrase a lot. “Want to be successful? Educate yourself, and learn knowledge because knowledge is power!” Well, not quite. That used to be the case twenty years ago. In our current world, “Access to knowledge is power.” Knowing where to find information is more powerful than actually having that knowledge.

The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Google’s biggest threat, ChatGPT, which is based on AI, is gaining a lot of momentum and can perform searches and actions that Google can’t compete with. ChatGPT just passed the bar exam. Artificial Intelligence and Virtual reality are the future. Meta, the company that owns Facebook, is pouring billions of dollars into AI, VR, and the metaverse. How it will play in the world of home watch has yet to be determined. I can promise you it will become a significant component of home watch in the future.  

Training like It’s 2023

The home watch industry needs more training and more importantly, they need to be trained in todays environment. Business owners want to learn more about the business, the industry, tricks and tools, and most importantly, how to grow it. Home watch companies need to learn how to grow and market their business in our current digital world.  

Today, I want to announce a new training platform for the home watch industry that is coming in 2023. It’s called the Home Watch Resource. You will learn everything you need to know about the home watch business, from getting started and completing a home watch inspection to marketing and growing your business. All of the modules will be taught by instructors who are current home watch business owners or industry professionals such as lawyers, digital marketing experts, CPA’s and more.

The best part? The Home Watch Resource will be 100% completely free to home watch business owners. We want to maintain the industry’s integrity, so there will be an approval process to access the platform, but you will never have to pay for access as long as you are a home watch business owner.  

As I said, access to knowledge is power. I want to give home watch business owners a platform to learn, communicate and share ideas with other home watch business owners. All for free. There will be no need to join an association or pay for training again!! 

Please visit The Home Watch Resource and sign up so you can get notified when we launch!